
This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," April 2, 2004 that has been edited for clarity.

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BILL O'REILLY HOST:  In the "Personal Story" segment tonight, we've been telling you for months that this election season some Hollywood liberals are going to play a part in the campaign.  As you may know the celebrity press in America is very powerful and it needs big names to survive so when stars turn out, so does the press.  Earlier this week a screening for Michael Moore's new anti-Bush movie attracted names like Jodie Foster (search), Meg Ryan (search), Drew Barrymore (search), Danny DeVito (search), the Osbornes, Ellen Degeneres (search), also Matthew Perry, Billy Crystal, Sharon Stone, Bill Maher, on and on and on.

And they all have the same message, we don't like Bush.  Joining us now from Los Angeles is Pete Hammond, freelance journalist based in Hollywood and Jeanne Wolfe, a celebrity journalist who knows everybody and always gives me a hard time.  Now I told you, Jeanne, months ago when you appeared that this was going to be a movement and a powerful one because Hollywood is very powerful, particularly to drive-by voters.  Voters who really aren't ideological, they don't really know the issues but they pick up little dribs and drabs from "Entertainment Tonight" and "Access Hollywood," and all of this.  And now we have all these people running out to the streets so I'm right, right?

JEANNE WOLFE, CELEBRITY JOURNALIST:  I think you're right about this being the beginning of a movement but I think what you're seeing, the people you just named who were at the Michael Moore screening last night, there's no surprise that they are liberal democrats.  Most of them wear their politics on their sleeve.  I think what they turn out for is the fear that there isn't a movement, the fear that last time when they felt strongly they didn't rally together, they didn't put themselves on the line and their feelings weren't known.  So I think the movement at this point is a lot tinier and a lot more spread out and a lot more diverse than you might understand.

O'REILLY:  Maybe it is.  But, as you said, all the people that I mentioned are very far left people who I would love to talk with to find out to know how they developed their philosophy.  But Mr. Hammond, how does it happen that they all show up on the same night?  I mean, do they have a mailing list?  Is it organized?  Do they get phone calls?  Do they have a fire alarm?  What happens?

PETE HAMMOND, FREELANCE HOLLYWOOD WRITER:  Well,this case it was put together very quickly.  As you know Michael Moore's film won the grand prize, the Palme d'Or, as it were, in Cannes, which was the best picture prize, caused a lot of buzz in Hollywood and a lot of want to see for the film.  When the distribution rights were all ironed out, they decided to have this screening which was the first U.S. screening so naturally there was going to be a lot of interest from Hollywood who gave Michael Moore an academy award for his last film, "Bowling for Columbine."  They e-mailed them, they faxed them.

O'REILLY:  Who is them?  I don't think they faxed Tom Selleck and Bruce Willis.  I don't think they faxed Clint Eastwood and Kurt Russell.  There must be a little list or a big list of people that they think they can mobilize.

HAMMOND:  There is a list but there's also an article that appeared in "Variety" which everybody reads and it talked about this screening and when it was going to be held so they got phone calls from people interested in coming.  But I've got to tell you for most premieres I don't see a lot of stars that aren't involved with the movie or aren't involved with the filmmaker show up.  This was like the Oscars in terms of that list.

O'REILLY:  Sure because of what we've said here that there is a semi-organized, maybe even more than that, group in Hollywood that is going to use their celebrity to try to get Bush out of office.  Now...

HAMMOND:  Well, Bill, is this a shock to you?

O'REILLY:  No, no, no, but I think it's more organized than ever before and I think they have more access to the media than ever before because the celebrity media, as I said, is so profitable and pervasive.  So now it becomes a Leni/Wiesenthal (ph) Third Reich propaganda proposition where what they say and do is put in everybody's face.  Now, is there anything wrong with that?  No, there isn't.  They're entitled but I think everybody should know what's going on, Miss Wolfe.

WOLFE:  I think what happens is that this gets characterized as Bush hating and I think what you have to understand is these people who come out for these causes, Billy Crystal, Danny DeVito, Martin Sheen and the whole list that was there last night and many others who don't quite speak up, I think those people are against policies and are for a different kind of thinking.  I think without speaking for Hollywood, without speaking for all Hollywood liberals I think they feel lied to.  I think they feel that their personal freedoms are impinged upon and I don't think anyone should...

O'REILLY:  That's a joke.  Their personal freedoms are infringed upon?  It's a joke.  It's a joke.  These people can do whatever they want to do--well, look, I can debate policy all day long and I'm not really interested in doing that but you must see that the Republicans don't have this kind of an advantage.  They don't.  There's no organized e-mail system in the media to run out pro-Bush people.

It doesn't exist.  Now could it exist?  Yes it could, down in Nashville with the country music set which is far more conservative, but it doesn't exist.  This exists in such an exposition as we're having is people should know there's going to be a lot of propaganda flying.  Let me tell you something, we tried to get "People" magazine to come on the program tonight because they had a Reagan article we were interested in.  And we said you can come on and talk about the Reagan article but we want to talk to you about how you're going to cover this Hollywood left anti-Bush movement.  They wouldn't do it.  They wouldn't come on to discuss it.  But they know that that's going to be a big part of their magazine in the next five months.  There's something a little creepy about that.

WOLFE:  Bill, I think you're right about focusing on the list last night.  But I think you also have to remember that what brought people out last night, as Pete said, was curiosity.  They smoked them out.  They didn't allow private screenings in people's homes. They didn't...

O'REILLY:  Yes, because--but they wanted to come out.

WOLFE:  They wanted to.

O'REILLY:  They wanted to tell everybody how bad Bush is and how their rights in Bel Air are being infringed upon.  I can't get my Jaguar out of the driveway anymore there's so much pollution.  Come on.

WOLFE:  I think that's a little prejudicial.  No, more than a little prejudicial.

O'REILLY:  I'm only jazzing them, Jeanne.  Go ahead, Mr. Hammond.

HAMMOND:  No, I think they came out because there was huge interest in what he was serving up here and they hadn't seen it.  They'd heard everybody talking about it.  I was there.  I saw Drew Barrymore try to run from the cameras when she saw them.  She tried to go in the back entrance.  She just wanted to see the movie.


HAMMOND:  I don't know but they were out there for a lot of propaganda, yes.

O'REILLY:  Why would anyone want to see this propaganda?  I just have no idea why.  I have no interest in it at all.  And by the way I wanted it out.  I wanted--if you want to go see it, knock yourself out but it's just rank propaganda.  I wouldn't go see right-wing propaganda either.  Jeanne, I'm going to give you the last word.

WOLFE:  There's one more element here. Part of the curiosity came not just from the parallel political beliefs but from the fact that Michael Moore has once again beaten the system.  Whatever you think of him, these film companies spend millions of dollars to market their films, and he, this little guy with plenty of help from Miramax and some other people has made awareness of his film international and very quickly.

O'REILLY:  Well, we'll see if he comes on The Factor.  Jeanne, thanks very much.  Mr. Hammond, we appreciate it.

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