
Remember the other day I told you nerds rule?

Now, proof, from no less than the president of the United States (search), that they're also very influential. You don't believe me? Look where I'm standing!

Why, after all, gather some business geeks like me for a presidential pow-wow? I'll tell you why. Because business geeks like me report on business, on the economy, on how we're doing.

Behind our pocket protectors and thick glasses lie influential hunks of burning profit power able to relegate cool economic models to mud by a single whim on the air or a biting comment in print.

So, as proof of our appeal, this meeting today.

The president trying to show that he cares about this economy, that he's on top of this economy, and that unlike critical press reports to the contrary, he is improving this economy.

I just wish my old pals in high school could see me now: Neil the nerd, now Neil-the-invited-to-the-White-House nerd standing on the same hallowed ground as Fox super cool guys Wendell Goler, Jim Angle and James Rosen.

Take that football team captain. Take that all you cheerleaders who dismissed me as some freak of nature. Still a freak, but now a force of nature freak.

Just ask anyone. Just ask ... the president of the United States.

Yea, that's the ticket!

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