
Today on "Special Report":

Bret Baier reports: Stunned by the U.S. military's abuse of Iraqi prisoners, lawmakers demand answers to how it happened. Is this a major setback for U.S. forces in Iraq? We'll have a full report.

GUEST PREVIEW: Disturbing pictures of Iraqi POWs being abused by Americans — Is there any excuse for this kind of behavior? What are the rules regarding prisoner interrogation techniques? We'll get answers from FNC military analyst Major General Bob Scales.

Major Garrett reports: Democratic lawmakers propose an alternative to Bush's plan for immigration reform -- We'll have a full report.

Carl Cameron reports: John Kerry (search) comes under the heaviest fire, perhaps, since his service in Vietnam. Get details.

Jim Angle reports: The president tells Ohio voters that he's the candidate to keep the economy on track. Find out more.

Details on those stories and more on Special Report with Brit Hume at 6 p.m. ET.

— Guests and topics are subject to change