
This is a partial transcript of The Big Story With John Gibson, Jan. 26, 2004, that has been edited for clarity.

JOHN GIBSON, HOST: Howard Dean (search) is going for blood, family blood.

His mother, brothers and wife have been hitting the campaign trail and they have seen it all. Howard at his best and maybe even sometimes at his worst. Bill Dean is Howard's younger brother. Mr. Dean, that's today's big question, is brother Howard having trouble getting his message across?

BILL DEAN, HOWARD DEAN'S BROTHER: John, thank you for having me on the show. Is he having trouble getting his message across? Not at all. He's attended many town meetings and he's getting standing room only crowds

GIBSON: But I know, but you and I both know about all of the flap. It took almost a week for that speech after Iowa to like finally calm down. Was that a bad week to lose? Did he need that time?

B. DEAN: Did he need that time for what?

GIBSON: Well, instead of trying to explain what he was doing after the Iowa caucuses (search) in the way he gave that speech to his followers, to, you know, lay out his program?

B. DEAN: Howard's been focusing on his message for a long time. Other people have been focusing on other things. I think the most important thing for New Hampshire voters to hear is that message, and also to focus on the fact that he's delivered results as a governor in his state for the last 11 1/2 years. He did not sponsor bills, he signed them. He is the guy who's delivered results in health care and a lot of other issues that matter to the people of New Hampshire.

GIBSON: Bill, listen, I'm not trying to put you on the spot, but nonetheless, you're the brother, not the candidate. Nonetheless, he's had a little trouble, it seems, getting past all of the noise and the chaff about is this guy too angry? Is he too brittle? Does he explode? Does he have personality we don't quite understand or we are now seeing it? In order to talk about health care, and during that time, Kerry has surged ahead. Now in the last day or two, your brother is rebounding. What's going on in the campaign?

B. DEAN: I think what's going on is that people are putting Iowa behind them and they are focusing on the message. I think, you know particularly in New Hampshire, where my father-in-law is from, actually right in Manchester, and New Hampsherites have seen what's going on across the river from them and in the results of how it is delivered. Another thing that they are starting to focus on is Howard practiced medicine for 11 years before he became a full-time politician. And he's probably the only one who's ever run for president who actually delivered a baby, gave people bad news. These are very, very important and very direct connections with people.

GIBSON: Bill, with all due respect that is true. But nonetheless, here's John Kerry saying, yes, Howard Dean has delivered a baby, he has told people that their relative has died, but I have been up to my bushy eyebrows in foreign policy decision in directing the direction of the country for a long time. I'm the guy with experience. And that pitch seems to be working.

B. DEAN: I don't know where the junior senior senator from my state is in the polls, and I think that the polls are something you have to be careful about, judging from the predictions in Iowa. At the same time, Howard was the one who discerned what facts to believe and what not to believe before we went into Iraq. And John Kerry was not.

GIBSON: Do you think that your brother might be sort of turning his back on his base by toning down his act after it got so much criticism, after the scream? That he's not bringing the same passion to the campaign trail as he did before.

B. DEAN: The war whoop?

GIBSON: Yes, the war whoop, if you will, Bill.

B. DEAN: I think Howard's not turning his back on his supporters at all. I think what he is doing is he is really focusing on his message.

GIBSON: By the way, Bill, is that how the family talks about it, the war whoop?

B. DEAN: No, that's the way I talk about it. I have not run that by anyone. Remember, this is the unspoken campaign.

GIBSON: This is the brother. Yes, right.

B. DEAN: But as far as Howard's message getting out there, I think he is delivering it and I think he's doing a good job of it. Here, I think we are moving ahead. Again, I don't want to make any predictions but there certainly is a good feeling around here in Manchester and in the surrounding areas. The voters that I have spoken with on the phone, even those who are undecided, are telling me what's important. One of the things that is most important to people in this area is health care. And as a physician, Howard has delivered that and as a politician, he's delivered that to people in his own state.

GIBSON: How important is it to bring you and Mrs. Dean out on the campaign trail?

B. DEAN: You mean myself, my brother, my mother, my sister-in-law and everybody else in the family?

GIBSON: Yes, but particularly seeing the doctor, Mrs. Dean? Well, Judy can't tell her patients don't get sick until November. So she's here when she can be and when she's not on call, but she will be back practicing, you know -- if your own parents are being treated by her, I'm sure you would not want her going off on a campaign trail all the time.

GIBSON: No. Bill Dean, Howard Dean's younger brother. You sound just like him, Bill. Thanks a lot for coming on. We appreciate it.

B. DEAN: Absolutely.

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