
Tonight on Special Report with Brit Hume:

Catherine Herridge reports: Federal agents in the Dallas area arrest four people on suspicion of funneling funds to known terrorist organizations.

Guest preview: Author and presidential historian Robert Caro gives us an inside look into the role of a Senate majority leader, and he predicts the future for Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss.


• President Bush's national security advisers want him to declare that Iraq has violated the U.N. order for it to disarm, but that doesn't necessarily mean war will be launched anytime soon.

• Despite Trent Lott's latest 30-minute apology on Black Entertainment Television, more and more Republicans say the scandal-tainted senator must give up his leadership post -- and the sooner, the better -- before the GOP takes over the majority next month.

• The strike against President Hugo Chavez's rule begins strangling Venezuela's critical oil industry as thousands of opposition demonstrators noisily march to a key symbol of the president's revolution.

Details on these stories and more on Special Report with Brit Hume.
— Guests and topics are subject to change