
This is a partial transcript from Your World with Neil Cavuto, November 26, 2003, that was edited for clarity.

Watch Your World w/Cavuto weekdays at 4 p.m. and 1 a.m. ET.

TERRY KEENAN, GUEST HOST: Well, long lines, traffic delays, flight changes, all part of heading home for the holidays. If you want to cut down on the headaches this year, travelocity.com employees will be stationed at the busiest airports today to give hourly updates on holiday delays.

Joining us now from Fort Worth, Texas is Sam Gilliland (search). He is Travelocity.com's president and CEO.

Welcome. Good to have you with us.


KEENAN: You know, I mean this is one holiday tradition we can do without. And yet, you know, people continue to seem to make mistakes that make their delays even longer than they have to be. Give us some advice to people taking to the skies this year.

GILLILAND: Well, you know, the Transportation Security Administration (search), which I think has actually done a phenomenal job today — we have really seen very few significant delays — they've laid out this "Three for Three" campaign, which is three steps to save three minutes going through the security lines. And so they are saying, “Hey, look, get your kids out of the strollers, remove outerwear, pack various miscellaneous family items in one bag and put them on the conveyor belt, get strollers on the conveyor obviously after you got your kids out of them, and proceed individually through that device.”

So they are just saying that if you are efficient about how you do things, you can save up to three minutes. And so that is at least one tip related to getting through the security process.

KEENAN: Yes. Somehow people still think they can roll those strollers through the x-ray machine. What about the fact that there are fewer scanners working this year than a year ago? They've cut the number down by more than 10 percent. That's not making a problem?

GILLILAND: Well, we were actually concerned about that. And I think that was the question of the day, as we were approaching this and sending people out to these 25 busiest airports, was, how would they do? And I think they have gotten much more efficient over the last year.

They have managed the traffic quite well. And it has really been a great day to travel, frankly.

KEENAN: It is getting more expensive to travel, though. You have done a survey that shows air flights up pretty significantly this year, right?

GILLILAND: Yes. Well, the airlines have been pretty disciplined in terms of adding those airplanes back into the system. So, still a lot of capacity, a lot of airplanes sitting in the desert in Arizona. And what that means is that the airlines have been able to manage supply and demand better, they have raised their prices.

We have seen fall fares up five to eight percent. So they are managing pricing better than they have in the past.

KEENAN: Good for the shareholders, not so good for the travelers. What about the Christmas season, when people don't necessarily fly home, but they fly to the Caribbean or other vacation destinations?

GILLILAND: Well, one of the larger trends we have seen, both for this holiday travel, this weekend, and also over the winter holidays, is that people are traveling further. So they are going to international destinations. The typical place is Paris, London and Cancun. But we are seeing even couples headed to Italy, Finland, Austria, just going further, feeling much more comfortable with travel.

KEENAN: So people are back going to Paris?

GILLILAND: Absolutely.

KEENAN: All right. Thanks for your insights on the travel season.

GILLILAND: All right.

KEENAN: And happy holidays as well.

GILLILAND: Thank you, Terry.

KEENAN: Sim Gilliland of Travelocity.com.

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