
Tonight on Special Report with Brit Hume:

Brian Wilson reports: While President Bush says the topic of Iraq didn't come up during the military summit at his Crawford ranch, the president promises that any action against Iraq will be done in consultation with U.S. allies.

Guest preview: Kenneth Adelman, former director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. Should we invade or not?


•  Bret Baier reports: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld meets with troops in Fort Hood, Texas. What did have to say? We give you the latest ...

•  Carl Cameron reports: House Majority Whip Tom DeLay makes a strong appeal for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's removal in a speech to a business group in Houston. What did he have to say?

•  Jonathan Serrie reports: Georgia's heated primary races are over. And the big winners don't look like the incumbents. Who won?

•  Steve Harrigan reports: Israeli security forces arrest several Palestinian suspects in the July 31 bombing at Jerusalem's Hebrew University in which nine people, including five Americans, were killed.

Details on this story and more on Special Report with Brit Hume.

— Guests and topics are subject to change