
Barbra Streisand's hobbies, a sleeper hit at the box office and Carson Daly's dating tips in The Foxlight.

Ever wonder what her Babsness does in her spare time? The Barbra Streisand Web site has the answer: "My hobby is gardening, caring for my roses and watching things grow!" When? Between lawsuits and penning Web site articles like "Trickle Down Immorality," "Lets Unite" and my favorite, "If Only Our Hearts Could Expand as Much as Technology"? A diva could get exhausted. So could fans. Do they really trudge through all her tirades?

What was the big winner at the box office this weekend? Sure Arnold Schwarzenegger's new rise of the political machine made the most money. But the real hero is the smaller Fox film 28 Days Later. Already a huge hit in England, this creep-fest is in far fewer theaters but is getting great buzz and is pulling a large per screen average. That's a good sign that it will turn into a creeper sleeper hit.

Finally, Carson Daly giving dating tips? The one man media machine with shows on MTV, late night NBC and syndicated radio tells the new Entertainment Weekly he had a clue it might not work out with Tara Reid when she drank more than he did on the first date.