
This is a partial transcript from The Beltway Boys, November 30, that has been edited for clarity. Click here to order the complete transcript.

Watch The Beltway Boys Saturday at 6 p.m. ET and Sunday at 1 and 6 a.m. ET

FRED BARNES, CO-HOST: Juan, I want to officially welcome you to The Beltway Boys by putting you on a hot seat and testing...


BARNES: ... your knowledge in this week's world-famous Tip Sheet .

Now, this is your chance to be a star, Juan, so...

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm, I'm...

BARNES: ...I'm counting on you. All right?

Item one, week two of the U.N. inspections in Iraq. How do you think they're going so far?

WILLIAMS: So far, so good. But they're not up against crunch time...


WILLIAMS: ... yet, and when the crunch comes...and Saddam starts to buck, we'll see what happens.

BARNES: You know, he's got lots of weapons of mass destruction, he's hiding them all.

Item two, the midterm elections are almost behind us, and presidential hopefuls are making plans. Look for Senators Kerry, Edwards, and Daschle to make moves soon.

WILLIAMS: But you know what? The polls show Gore is by far the favorite of the Democratic base, and you know what? The second pick would be Lieberman. So we'll see what Senator Lieberman has to do.

BARNES: You're right about Gore. The press treats it like he's saying wild and crazy things. What he's saying is what most Democrats believe...

WILLIAMS: I think so.

BARNES: ... actually.

All right, item three, this Tuesday, former president Bill Clinton, one of your favorites, will address the Democratic Leadership Council at NYU. That's New York University.

WILLIAMS: Well, you know what, I think he's going to take the moderate post...


WILLIAMS: ... and so it's going to be...a Gore wing of the party and a Clinton wing of the party up against each other with Clinton, the guy who's always talking about triangulation...that old Dick Morris...


WILLIAMS: ... scenario...


WILLIAMS: ... talking about bringing us to the center.


WILLIAMS: But Gore's saying, You know what? We need to differentiate ourselves clearly...


WILLIAMS: ... from the Bush administration.

BARNES: Clinton versus Gore, I like it.

Item four, President Bush as soon as Monday may order smallpox vaccinations for 500,000 U.S. military personnel and 510,000 civilian medical workers.

WILLIAMS: What did I miss, Fred? Did someone announce that there was going to be a threat or someone was threatening us with the use of this?  Why all this consideration of a smallpox vaccine, given that there are going to be problems with the vaccinations?

BARNES: Well, we know that Saddam Hussein has been trying to get a hold of some smallpox, if he doesn't already have it, so...

WILLIAMS: Well, I think...


WILLIAMS: ... they've been trying that for years...


WILLIAMS: ... I just didn't know...


WILLIAMS: ... that we should take it...

BARNES: All right.

WILLIAMS: ... so seriously.

BARNES: Well, you must have been home sick that day.

And last but certainly not least, item five, U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond celebrates birthday number 100.

WILLIAMS: Happy birthday, Strom, what a, what a guy, 100 years...

BARNES: Amazing.

WILLIAMS: ... years in the U.S. Senate. But I got to say, you know, let bygones be bygones...


WILLIAMS: ... that's the only way I can say happy birthday...

BARNES: Yes, you...

WILLIAMS: ... with a clear conscience.

BARNES: Yes, one other thing, it is time for him to retire.

WILLIAMS: Yessiree.

Click here to order the complete transcript.

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