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Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly. Thanks for watching us tonight.

How about that... New [show] open, new graphics, new music, pretty jazzy, huh?!

All right...We have some election predictions from The Factor. That is the subject of this evening's Talking Points Memo.

Since both the Democrats and Republicans are mad at us on any given week, we feel qualified to handicap tomorrow's important national races. Only a third of registered voters are expected to turn up at the polls, and that's because we have plenty of stale candidates running, people who will take the power you give them and change nothing.

Now, it's unfortunate, but that's where we are in America on election day 2002. Nevertheless, it is our patriotic duty to vote, and I will do so.

Now on to the predictions. Talking Points believes Davis, Pataki, Romney in Massachusetts, and Ehrlich in Maryland will win governorships along with Jeb Bush in Florida. His challenger, Bill McBride, failed in the debates.

On the Senate front, we believe Jim Talent will win in Missouri, Pryor in Arkansas, Thune in South Dakota, Mondale in Minnesota, Strickland in Colorado, Lautenberg in New Jersey, Sununu in New Hampshire, Dole in North Carolina. And we don't know in Georgia, but Chambliss could upset Cleland. If that happens, Republicans are likely to gain control of the Senate, if not, things will probably remain the same with the GOP one seat down.

Tomorrow's vote's exciting because there are so many close races, but in the end, nothing much will change. President Woodrow Wilson once said, "If you want to make enemies, propose change." That's very true. Most politicians fear making enemies, thus they flee from reforming failed policies.

America needs to tighten the borders, reform the tax system, and provide safety nets to the poor that work, not perpetuate poverty. We need to reform public education so that discipline is imposed and taught in the classroom. We need to force drug-addicted criminals to undergo strenuous rehab. And we need to fund the military so that it can crush any terror threat against the USA with ruthless precision.

America also needs leaders that will put the people before themselves, that will respond to the gross unfairness we see with action, not hollow words.

In short, we need brave and creative people at the top, not self-interested party hacks.

Have fun exercising your voting rights tomorrow.

And that's The Memo .

The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

Time for "The "Most Ridiculous Item of the Day."

As you know, Harry Belafonte was extremely ridiculous when he called Secretary of State Colin Powell an Uncle Tom, and most clear-thinking Americans know it. Even our pals, Al Sharpton and Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY), know it.

Over the weekend, Congressman Rangel told The Washington Times, "The fact is that Mr. Belafonte's comments are not the consensus, and you don't get any more partisan than me." That's why we love the Congressman. He's very honest. People are fond of Colin Powell.

Mr. Sharpton didn't criticize Belafonte explicitly but did say, "He could have chosen different language."

Ridiculous? Only if you're Harry Belafonte.

— You can watch Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points and "Most Ridiculous Item" weeknights at 8 & 11p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel. Send your comments to: oreilly@foxnews.com