
Paul Wellstone believes he's delivered the goods for his constituents. Not so, says his challenger in the race for the U.S. Senate, former St. Paul Mayor Norm Coleman.

The two hashed out Wellstone's Senate career before about 700 people Monday afternoon at the Paramount Theatre.

"You've got to figure out a way to get it done. Paul's been there for 12 years. It hasn't gotten done," Coleman said in response to a question about reducing the cost of health care.

While answering a question about transportation, Wellstone pulled out a plaque with a steering wheel on it that he received from a St. Cloud transportation group for his work on transit.

Later, the Democrat said it's about "getting things done for whom?" He said that Coleman, a Republican, represents big business and pharmaceutical companies while he fights for Minnesota families.

Wellstone and Coleman are locked in a close race.

The two were joined by Independence Party candidate Jim Moore and Green Party candidate Ray Tricomo at the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce-sponsored forum. Polls reveal little support for Tricomo and Moore.

Tricomo invited the four candidates to join hands and pledge to refrain from personal attacks for the next two weeks. The election is Nov. 5.

All four joined hands, but moments later, after Coleman criticized Wellstone, Wellstone looked at Tricomo and said, "Ray, I don't think your pledge is going to work."