
Former White House counselor Karen Hughes hit the campaign trail for Republican Senate hopeful John Cornyn for the first time Wednesday and accused his Democratic opponent of siding with special interests in Washington.

"We've had a couple of opportunities to see where John Cornyn's opponent Ron Kirk would stand, and unfortunately, in those cases, he stood with narrow, partisan special interests in Washington, and not with the interests of Texas or the values of Texas," Hughes said.

In July, Hughes left her White House position as senior adviser to President Bush to devote more time to her family, though she still advises him from her home in Austin.

Hughes said the president was disappointed with some of Kirk's positions, such as his opposition to the nomination of Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen to the federal bench.

"When I talked to him yesterday, he said, `You tell the people there that I've been really disappointed at some of the stances he's taken and we really need John Cornyn in the United States Senate to work with me for the best interest of Texas,"' she said.