
Veteran newscaster John Gibson gets to the core of the most salient issues facing America today as host of FNC's hard-hitting primetime show The Big Story with John Gibson, airing Monday through Friday at 5 p.m. ET, with expert legal analysis from Judge Andrew Napolitano and in-depth field reports from correspondent Heather Nauert.

Here's a review of what was on the rundown for Friday, August 30:

Baseball is having a hard time living up to its image. As the Giants' Barry Bonds says in an article in New York Times Magazine, the last time he played was in college. Now it's all business
David Grann of the New York Times Magazine

There's been a lot of talk about whether or not we should attack Iraq. But the question is not just if, it's how
Martin Indyk of the Brookings Institution

Two days after Sept. 11, groups representing Arab, Hispanic, and black Americans will march on Washington, protesting what they call an attack on civil liberties
• Rev. Jesse Jackson of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition

Is there any justice to be served in killing kids who kill? Three justices say the Supreme Court should reconsider, and their dissenting opinion could be the focus of the next death penalty appeal
• Judge Andrew Napolitano, FNC senior judicial analyst

A presidential version of the Hatfields and McCoys: the patrician Bushes of Connecticut and the Arkansas Clintons. What is behind what appears to be a genuine feud?
Douglas Brinkley, presidential historian

The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor pulled the U.S. into the Second World War, right? For years, our Navy has insisted that we were the ones who fired the first shot, and now a submarine may prove it
Robert Cressman of the Naval Historical Center 

Don't miss The Big Story with John Gibson ... weekdays at 5 p.m. ET.

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