
And now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine:

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Un-Credible Clinton
Oddly enough, former president Bill Clinton has more of credibility problem now than he did when he was in office. A new poll from the Pew Research Center shows only 12 percent of those surveyed believe all or most of what Clinton says these days. And nearly four times that many say they believe almost nothing he says. The number of people who doubt his credibility has doubled since the middle of the Monica Lewinsky investigation.

Lazy Leader?
Clay Henry is the third is the popular mayor of Lajitas, Texas, even though all he does is lie around and drink beer. It doesn't really affect his duties, though, because he has none. In fact, Mayor Henry is a goat, a sort of elected mascot who likes to drink beer from a bottle. One of the locals wanted to show him off to visitors one recent Sunday when no beer could be purchased. So he borrowed a cold one from two men sitting nearby. But one of them was apparently offended that a perfectly good beer was wasted on a goat, and when the animal was later found castrated, the sheriff knew where to look. It’s no laughing matter to the locals. <I>The New York Times reports the local sheriff says the matter is "serious business" because Mayor Clay Henry is an "icon" in the community. So the man has been charged for the crime and faces a trial later this month. His honor the goat is making a full recovery with the aid of an occasional “Lone Star Beer.”

Hit the Gold Mine!
As we told you earlier, President Bush today heralded the rescue of those nine miners who spent 77 hours trapped underground. But there would have been one more miner trapped with them, if it hadn't been for Ozzy Osbourne. He didn’t have anything to do with the rescue but the 10th  man on the crew, 22-year-old Roger Shaffer had taken that day off to attend Ozzfest 2002, Osbourne's summer concert tour. Shaffer was on his way home from the concert, when he heard the news about his fellow miners. The others suffered an ordeal but will get an unexpected payday. Disney is buying the rights to their stories for $150,000 each — and there is even talk of a commemorative postage stamp.