
Tonight on Hannity & Colmes...

Police investigating the abduction of 14-year-old Elizabeth Smart are asking the public for information regarding three vehicles a handyman who used to work for the girl's parents may have been driving.

Police spokesman Sgt. Fred Louis said Richard Albert Ricci, 48, may have been seen driving one of the vehicles between May 31 and June 8, around the time Elizabeth disappeared. Police have examined all three vehicles and are seeking more information that may link them to Ricci.

One of the cars, a 1990 white Jeep Cherokee, was given to Ricci by Elizabeth's father, Ed Smart, as payment for work he did in the home. Police have kept that car in their custody but have released the other two.

Ricci, who has a 29-year criminal record, has failed a lie-detector test in the case and has confessed to burglarizing the missing girl's home last year, sources also told Fox News. Mark Klaas joins the debate on Hannity & Colmes.

Could forest management have prevented the Arizona and Colorado wildfires?
Sean Paige, editorial director of Competitive Enterprise Institute and Craig Gehrke, Idaho regional director at The Wilderness Society reacts.

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