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Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly.  Thank you for watching us tonight.  Why some powerful people sit by and let bad things happen - that's the subject of this evening's Talking Points Memo

We all know about Cardinal Law, continues to embarrass his church by failing to resign in Boston.  Scores of little kids were damaged by pedophile priests.  Law did little to stop it and actually covered up heinous crimes.  Now comes word that in Florida, a four-year-old girl named Rilya Wilson has disappeared.  The state was paying a woman to care for her.  And that woman says a state worker removed the little girl for more than a year ago.

The worker, Deborah Muskully (ph), has quit.  But so far the State of Florida has not produced this woman or her superior, Willie Harris (ph), who's also off the payroll.  Governor Jeb Bush says the state is reviewing the case, but the government can only go so far.   I say baloney!  The State of Florida can tell Americans exactly what happened here and arrest those responsible for criminal negligence.

Little Rilya was missing for 15 months before the story broke.  During that time her godmother, Jeralyn Graham (ph), cashed checks from the State of Florida.  What's the deal with that?  If Rilya was gone, that's fraud.  Rilya's real mother, Gloria Wilson, lives in Cleveland and is apparently a drug addict.  She had the nerve to go on the CBS morning program [The Early Show]and wail about her missing daughter whom she avoiding seeing for more than a year.

Ms. Wilson didn't care enough to demand to speak with her little girl on the telephone.  What a disgrace.  But let's get back to Governor Bush, it his job to protect the children of Florida.  He has the power to get answers from the former state workers or see to it they are arrested.  We had a similar issue with Jeb Bush over Professor Sami Al-Arian, who raised money for terrorist groups from his office at a Florida university.

Al-Arian was suspended after the THE FACTOR broke the story wide open, but Governor Bush has been strangely silent about the matter.  Once again, powerful people have an obligation to get directly involved when wrongdoing is occurring.  The American people have a right to know exactly what happened to little Rilya Wilson and Florida officials should be providing detailed information; at present, they are not.

To say they are investigating is simply a smoke screen, a Janet Reno tactic that is hollow and dishonest.  Give us a status report on the investigation.  Chances are that Rilya Wilson is dead because nobody cared about her.  Her mother cared more about drug, her godmother cared more about money, and the State of Florida hired inefficient and possibly criminal people to look out for foster kids.

How about a little outrage over that Jeb Bush?   How about some action?  And that's "The Memo".

The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

Time now for "The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day."

Your humble correspondent, that's me, misspoke the other day in our segment on the continuing problems of the Red Cross.  I was referring to the huge salary the Red Cross president in San Diego gets.  About $300,000.  And I mislabeled her as working for the United Way.  Just off the top of my head.  Sorry about that.  It was just a slip.  Not intentional.  But ridiculous, nonetheless.

— You can watch Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points and "Most Ridiculous Item" weeknights at 8 & 11p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel. Send your comments to: oreilly@foxnews.com