
I love people who say now that FOX has enjoyed success that we're a fluke, or at worst a sham.

But what's particularly galling is how it's done: That serious journalists won't take this place seriously and that those who do must be idiots.

I wouldn't call that a smart marketing campaign.

When I started out here, my goal was to create a different kind of business show. One that would be engaging, topical and yes, maybe a little blunt.

I didn't talk about what my competitors didn't have. Just about what we would have.

It wasn't about tearing at them, but building an alternative to them.

Now I notice my boss Roger Ailes is getting all sorts of criticism for what this network is not. He is right to counter what this network is: the one drawing the most eyeballs because it offers the most views. A place for fair and balanced coverage simply not found anywhere else.

And though they might not say it, competitors clearly try to imitate it.

One throws a conservative in their lineup and calls that fair. Another broadens a political debate show and calls that balanced. Even in my nerdy business world, still another features debate at night and calls that feisty. While another all newser starts featuring end of show business commentary and calls that original.

I don't know.

But this much I do know: You get more heat when you're on top than when you're down. We're getting it now.

Here's how I see it. Would I rather make a show for journalism professors who think they know, or for viewers who want to know?

I've already decided. And I'm grateful you have too.

What do you think?  Send your comments to: cavuto@foxnews.com

Watch Neil Cavuto's Common Sense weekdays at 4 p.m. ET on Your World with Neil Cavuto.