
The attorney for U.S. Rep. Gary Condit's younger brother said Sunday his client doesn't know anything about Chandra Levy's disappearance and hasn't left Florida or spoken to the congressman for a year.

Darrell Wayne Condit doesn't understand the media attention surrounding his arrest Saturday for violating probation for a drunken driving conviction in the Florida Keys, attorney Jon Sale said.

Gary Condit, D-Calif., has been the focus of media scrutiny since Levy, a former intern at the Bureau of Prisons he was having an affair with, was reported missing in early May.

The 1998 warrant for Darrell Condit's arrest came to light last week in media coverage of Levy's disappearance, leading South Florida police to actively search for him.

Darrell Condit, 49, was arrested Saturday at a Broward County hotel on the probation violation warrant. He was also charged with resisting arrest without violence and possession of marijuana. He was arraigned on the latter charges Sunday. He remains held in the Broward County jail, awaiting his transfer to Key West later this week.

Sale said his client is upset about the media coverage and the insinuations that he could be involved in Levy's disappearance.

Darrell Condit wants to know why the media "isn't trying to find out what really happened to this woman," Sale said.

Sale said Washington, D.C., police have not contacted him or his client about arranging an interview.