
Feb. 25, 1994: New York-born Israeli settler Baruch Goldstein opens fire at Hebron's Tomb of the Patriarchs, killing 29 Muslim worshippers. A mob kills him.

April 6, 1994: Car rigged with explosives detonates next to bus in Afula in northern Israel. Nine Israelis killed, 45 wounded. Militant Muslim group Hamas claims responsibility.

April 13, 1994: Palestinian blows himself up on bus in Hadera in central Israel. Six Israelis killed, 25 wounded. Hamas claims responsibility.

Oct. 19, 1994: Palestinian suicide bomber kills 22 Israelis, wounds 48 in Tel Aviv bus explosion. Hamas claims responsibility.

Jan. 22, 1995: Two Palestinians blow themselves up at Beit Lid junction in central Israel, killing 21 Israelis. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.

April 9, 1995: Two Palestinians blow themselves up outside two Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip, killing seven Israeli soldiers and an American. Hamas and Islamic Jihad claim responsibility.

July 24, 1995: Palestinian suicide bomber blows up bus in Tel Aviv, killing six Israelis, wounding 28. Hamas claims responsibility.

Feb. 25, 1996: Two Palestinian suicide bombers blow up bus in Jerusalem and at soldiers' hitchhiking post in coastal city of Ashkelon, killing 23 Israelis, two Americans and a Palestinian. More than 80 wounded. Hamas claims responsibility.

March 3, 1996: Suicide bomb on Jerusalem bus kills at least 18 others and wounds 10 people. Hamas claims responsibility.

March 4, 1996: Suicide bomber blows himself up outside Tel Aviv shopping center, killing 12 people and wounding more than 100. Hamas claims responsibility.

July 30, 1997: Two bombers kill themselves and 16 others in an outdoor Jerusalem market. More than 150 injured. Hamas claims responsibility.

Sept. 4, 1997: Three explosions kill three Israelis and three other people suspected to be suicide bombers. More than 165 people wounded. Hamas claims responsibility.