
Congressman Charles Rangel is not holding back on the Republican Party's newest effort to win over Hispanic voters.

"I do know that many times, whether its Democrats or Republicans, [Republicans] use minorities for the purpose of expanding their base," Rangel told Fox News Latino's Juan Williams.

Rangel said Republicans don't have to just court Latinos, they have to "like" them first.

"No matter what you hear about this expanding the Latino base, they're talking about how they need them to get elected, they need them to save the Republican Party but they never said they need them because they need Americans and we need the diversity," said Rangel.

Most people were embarrassed by [Sen. Marco Rubio's] performance, he didn't live up to the expectation that Republicans had.

— Charles Rangel, New York Congressman

Rangel said this is the first real opportunity for the president and Congress to reform immigration since he's been in Congress. He began serving in 1971.

He also blasted Marco Rubio's performance during his rebuttal to the president's State of the Union address, a role many speculate is the GOP's push for more Hispanics.

"Most people were embarrassed by his performance, he didn't live up to the expectation that Republicans had," said Rangel.

Rangel also mentioned Kentucky Senator Rand Paul who gave a Tea Party rebuttal and used this as an example of the Republican Parties inability to unify.

"Republicans have a long way to go in bringing their party together," said Rangel.

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