
The White House on Monday announced that President Trump and the first lady invited five people to attend his first joint address to Congress.

The list included Megan Crowley, a 20-year-old student at Notre Dame, who was diagnosed as an infant with Pompe Disease. Doctors said she would survive about two years. She will accompany her father John Crowley, who has built a 100-person pharmaceutrical company, Novazyme Pharmaceuticals, to find a cure for the rare disease.

Denisha Merriweather, another guest, is the first person in her family to graduate high school and college. She struggled in school at first, but she was enrolled in the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program and eventually excelled.

The Trumps invited Jessica Davis and Susan Oliver, widows of the California police officers killed in the line of duty back in 2014.

Maureen McCarthy Scalia, the widow of Justice Scalia, was also invited to attend

Jamiel Shaw, Sr., the father of a high school football star who was fatally shot by an illegal immigrant  in 2008, was also invited to the address.