
Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of the hit Broadway musical “Hamilton,” plans to devote part of his time after he leaves the theater production in July to persuading Latinos to get out to vote in November.

In a press conference at an Irish pub in Washington Heights on Thursday, Miranda said there are too many critical issues facing Latinos to sit out the presidential election.

“I’m going to be trying to get out the Latino vote as hard as possible,” Miranda said Thursday, according to The New York Times.

“Our issues are on the table, from Puerto Rico to a wall to keep half of us out being a party platform,” he said, according to various published reports. “It’s important that we get out and vote.”

“I don’t think I need a lot of help. I think it’s very clear that Latinos living in the United States — their interests are bound up in voting this year, and I’ll leave it at that, but making sure people turn out is going to be a priority for me, as it was in 2012.”

Latino leaders praised Miranda's plans to urge Latinos to vote.

"It will be monumentally important, immensely helpful, to have someone of his talent and drive dedicated to making sure our community has a voice," said Javier Palomarez, head of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, to Fox News Latino. "For a successful Latino to leave the hottest show on Broadway in the middle of its run and do what he can to help his people, that's impressive and true leadership."

It’s not Miranda’s first foray into presidential politics.

He has done a 30-second public service announcement, sponsored by the Hispanic Federation – which was founded by his father, Luis A. Miranda Jr., urging Latinos to vote. He also did get-out-the-vote appeals for the 2012 presidential election.

“Those still waiting to become citizens depend on us to vote for leaders who support diversity and inclusion,” Miranda said in the spot. He also said in the spot that it was time Latinos stop being considered minorities.