

Posted on the Internet seven hours before Barack Obama's pathetic Oval Office speech is a scathing denunciation of the premises behind it, from Walter Russell Mead at The American Interest. He notes the increasing evidence that Islamist terrorists have been using refugee flows to infiltrate into Europe and concludes "it's now crystal clear that one can't combine a passive foreign policy with a legalistic adherence to absolutist ideals — that, for example, one can turn a blind eye to a disintegrating Middle East and North Africa while opening the gates to every refugee and migrant that the meltdown creates."

He notes, as if he had seen Obama's text beforehand, that Western elites "have never been so self-confident" and that they "are utterly convinced that they see farther and deeper than the less credentialed, less educated, less tolerant and less sophisticated knuckle-dragging also-rans outside the magic circle of post historical groupthink." He warns that "as the mass of the people become more aware that the elites are too blind and too wrapped in the coils of elite ideology to deal effectively with society's most urgent problems, an age of demagogues is opening up around us. People need leaders; when the meritocratic priesthood seems incapable of providing leadership, people start looking elsewhere."

Like Marine LePen National Front, which won pluralities in France's regional elections in the north and southeast regions, and Donald Trump.

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