

Marco Rubio released his first early state television ad on Tuesday morning to be aired in Iowa and New Hampshire over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend and ahead of the next GOP debate.

The ad, titled "Bartender," which will begin to play on the airwaves Nov. 26, tells the story of the candidate's father working late nights as a bartender in Florida so his children could have a better life. The ad switches between scenes of his father's work behind the bar and the senator campaigning behind the podium, as Rubio explains, "That journey from behind that bar to behind this podium, that's the essence of the American Dream."

"You see, my father was grateful for the work he had, but that was not the life he wanted for his children. He wanted all the dreams he once had for himself to come true for us. He wanted all the doors that closed for him to open for me," Rubio's voice says in the ad. "So my father stood behind a small portable bar in the back of a room for all those years, so that I could stand behind this podium in front of this room and this nation."

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