
Musician Willie Nelson told CNN Thursday night he'd gladly smoke weed with Donald Trump, or anyone else for that matter.

"I'd smoke one with anybody," Nelson said, laughing. He then elaborated on Trump's presidential chances: "Stranger things have happened I suppose. I don't have anything personal against Donald. I think he's a great hustler, and as a brother hustler I wish him well. He's a great salesman, and whether that makes a great president or not, I don't know."

The conversation then turned toward Nelson's thoughts on Syrian refugees entering the U.S., which Nelson said he supports wholeheartedly. He also inadvertently voiced his support for immigration in general.

"I don't care about refugees," he said. "Bring them all in, I don't care. I don't care about borders, we don't need no walls. That's what our big Statue of Liberty says: Come on in."

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