

Hours after Iowa Rep. Steve King endorsed Ted Cruz for president, Hillary Clinton's campaign said the endorsement reflected anti-immigrant sentiment.

"Steve King's endorsement of Ted Cruz reflects how extreme and anti-immigrant today's Republican Party has become," Clintons Latino Outreach Director Lorella Praeli wrote. "No one should be proud to stand with a Congressman who believes that legalizing undocumented immigrants will 'destroy our Republic' and calls DREAMers 'deportables.'"

King, an influential Iowan representative, will likely play a large role in mobilizing voters to caucus for Cruz. While King endorsed Fred Thompson during the 2008 election, he refrained from endorsing anyone in 2012.

Both Cruz and King have conservative views about immigration. In the House King has introduced legislation to close the "anchor baby" loophole and he does not support a path to citizenship. Similarly, Cruz does not support birthright citizenship or a pathway to citizenship for people that came to America illegally.

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