

Fox News' Bill O'Reilly's ongoing war of words with syndicated columnist George Will continued this week, as the TV host accused the author of waging "jihad" on the cable news giant.

O'Reilly's remarks came as he tried once again to defend his new book, Killing Reagan, from Will and other critics who claim it's thinly sourced, poorly written, and based entirely on debunked rumors and innuendo.

"[Will has] written yet another dishonest hit piece on me. It's so fallacious, I don't even think the man has read the book. But you know what, George? I'm bored with it, I'm bored with it. So this is my last reply to you," the cable host said.

"[Y]our elitist tone has never really been welcomed here in The Factor, as you know. And we believe that is a factor in your current jihad against us. As far as we're concerned George, where there's a Will, there's no way. End of story," O'Reilly said.

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