
Most public charter schools don't take hard-to-teach students, or at least that's what Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in an interview.

"Most charter schools — I don't want to say every one — but most charter schools, they don't take the hardest-to-teach kids, or, if they do, they don't keep them," Clinton told TV One host Roland Martin this weekend.

First of all, charter schools have to take every applicant that comes their way. When space runs out, they are required to use a random lottery system to admit students. Charter schools don't have admissions officers saying, "This student looks like they'll be difficult," before giving them the rejection stamp.

Second, charter schools serve hard-to-teach kids at higher rates than traditional public schools. We can't know exactly what Clinton meant when she said "hardest-to-teach kids," but the implication is children from low-income families or racial minorities. Charter schools serve both of those groups at higher rates than traditional public schools. There's also no difference between public and charter schools in the portion of students learning English as a second language.

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