

Syndicated columnist George Will has joined a chorus of historians and other experts who say Fox New host's Bill O'Reilly latest book, Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault That Changed a Presidency, a sloppily written and thinly sourced "slander" on America's 40th president.

"The book's perfunctory pieties about Reagan's greatness are inundated by its flood of regurgitated slanders about his supposed lassitude and manipulability," Will said in his column Thursday. "This book is nonsensical history and execrable citizenship, and should come with a warning: 'Caution — you are about to enter a no-facts zone.'"

The book is "a tissue of unsubstantiated assertions," he added, bemoaning that O'Reilly's latest offering currently sits atop the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list.

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