

The Republican Party has undertaken a massive plan to engage millions of churchgoing Christian voters who did not vote in 2012. The GOP's director of faith engagement calls them, "the largest, most underappreciated, under-tapped voting bloc in all of American political history."

Recent events, including the Supreme Court's ruling that sanctioned gay marriages nationwide and the jailing of a Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, have sparked religious voters' anger with elected officials. The Republican Party senses an opportunity that did not exist four years ago to capitalize on the heated passions and mobilize more social conservatives for the 2016 election.

There are two schools of thought on why the GOP failed in 2012. Some conservatives coalesced around the idea articulated and amplified by talk-radio firebrand Rush Limbaugh that several million voters stayed home in 2012. Limbaugh believes the Republican presidential nominee did not reach out to conservative voters and fight for their values.

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