
The press' big takeaway away from Hillary Clinton's appearance this week before the Select Committee on Benghazi is that she "won," meaning the former secretary of state escaped hours of questioning with her 2016 presidential campaign unharmed.

"The Daily 202: Eight reasons Hillary Clinton won the Benghazi hearing," the Washington Post promised in a headline.

Time magazine added, "How Hillary Clinton Won the Benghazi Hearing."

Commentary's John Podhoretz declared in a New York Post op-ed, "Hillary wins — theatrically — in Benghazi hearing."

The special committee has been tasked with investigating the events surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya. As such, the Democratic front-runner is being investigated for her role in the State Department's handling of security risks facing American assets around the world.

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