
A new poll of Iowa voters shows the gap has slimmed between Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

The Des Moines Register survey shows Clinton has the support of 48 percent of respondents, while Sanders is right behind her with 41 percent.

Both candidates' popularity has grown, and Sanders' poll numbers have climbed six points from where he was two months ago. The race is likely to tighten now that Vice President Joe Biden announced he won't enter the Democratic race for the White House in 2016.

And while Clinton's testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi has the potential to shake up the race, 81 percent of Democratic voters responded that it "does not bother" them that Clinton has not been forthcoming about use of a private email server. The same 81 percent of Democratic voters are not bothered by Sanders' identification as a "Democratic socialist."

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