
Rep. Elijah Cummings, top Democrat on the House Select Committee on Benghazi, blasted Republican staff members for announcing the time and location of Huma Abedin's interview Friday, calling it another attempt to politicize the investigation.

Cummings said he hoped the committee's latest work would not be the subject to the same "very targeted leaks" that he said have followed other high-profile interviews. He noted Abedin did not have policy or operational responsibilities at the State Department that might have given her insight into the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, nor was she with with Hillary Clinton the night of the attack.

The Maryland Democrat said Chairman Trey Gowdy's recent actions, including his staff's decision to publicize the Abedin interview Thursday afternoon in an email to members of the press, underscore criticisms of the committee's work.

He also renewed calls for the panel to release transcripts from other interviews with Clinton aides, including that of Sidney Blumenthal, a former off-the-books adviser.

"When the emails of Mr. Blumenthal, released I said, 'Look, don't just release the emails, release the whole transcript, so the press and the American people can know the whole story,'" Cummings said.

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