
After tensions flared up behind closed doors, and on the brink of a nasty intra-GOP floor fight, Mitch McConnell and Mike Lee cut a deal to move the highway bill forward and queue up an Obamacare repeal that could make it to the President's desk.

The 1st bit of background:

The Senate is currently debating the highway bill, with a measure to revive the Export-Import Bank attached to it. Democrats on Sunday successfully filibustered an amendment to repeal Obamacare. Sen. Mike Lee, a conservative and regular thorn in Mitch McConnell's side, pointed out last Friday that the GOP could on Monday night circumvent the 60-vote threshold for their Obamacare repeal provision. Lee explained the basic parliamentary details in an announcement.

Attaching Obamacare repeal to the highway bill wouldn't result in Obamacare going away, but it would bring down the highway bill--and thus keep Ex-Im dead.

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