
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Taking a page from Ted Cruz’ all-night filibuster last year, Senate Dems held one of their own.

Except it’s not a filibuster, it’s a talk-a-thon. And it’s not one man, it’s 28 people. And there's no legislation involved.

Sen. Roy Blunt doesn’t get it.

The confab – designed to draw attention to the dangers of climate change -- started at 6:30 p.m. Monday night through the wee hours, and was set to end at 9 a.m. Tuesday. Dems say the effort is part of a series of events on the issue to “wake up Congress.”

Many question the timing and motive of the all-nighter in an election year.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney “commends” Dems and White House senior staff joined in with an all-night sympathy tweet-a-thon. New POTUS Counselor, John Podesta, revved up his new Twitter account yesterday, telling readers to “stay tuned for all things climate.”

But who will really be staying up all night keeping the lawmakers company? One brave tweeter answers the question.

But seriously, which reporters get the short straw?


CPAC rolled out of Washington on Sunday leaving Tea Partiers buzzing about rousing speeches from Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul. The Five’s Dana Perino answers the question: What is the Democrat equivalent of CPAC?


News that CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson resigned rocked Twitter Monday afternoon. Politico sources say she left because of frustrating “liberal bias” at the network. Attkisson covered Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and ObamaCare's faulty sign-up roll out.

The resignation is said to have come after months of negotiations, and years of fading face-time.

She is writing a book called, “Stonewalled: One Reporter's Fight for Truth in Obama’s Washington.” Looks like she’ll have a lot of time to promote it.

Watch Lauren every Sunday on #MediaBuzz at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET. If you’d like to recommend your favorite political tweets, email laurenashburnFNC@yahoo.com or send her a tweet @laurenashburn with the hashtag #TwitterTalk.