
Liberals rejoiced on Twitter after reading a front page New York Times story debunking theories that Al Qaeda was behind the attacks in Benghazi.

Instead, the report stated that a "crude" YouTube video criticizing Muslims was in part to blame, along with “false allies.”

Tommy Vietor, a former Obama spokesman, led the charge, attacking Fox News.

Obama’s campaign architect calls the report … the truth.

The Nation Editor and Publisher, Katrina VanDenHeuvel,  took her shot, by retweeting this tweet:

But not everyone was so captivated by the veracity of the report.

Fox News contributor and USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers questions the reporter’s objectivity implying he set out to prove his original premise that a video incited the violence.

On "Fox News Sunday," Michigan Republican Congressman Rogers defended his position that Al Qaeda was involved in Benghazi. And Weekly Standard senior writer and Fox News contributor, Stephen Hayes, points to a Democrat – on the Intelligence Committee – who, on FNS, disagrees with the Times report..

Meanwhile Politico Magazine’s Glenn Thrush pulled the journo card cautioning armchair quarterbacking of David Kirkpatrick’s reporting.

Interesting argument. But Washington would be a ghost town if anyone followed his advice. And cable channels would have to run color bars.


Seems like Mrs. McCaskill got the better Christmas present. While the AP reports that the company owned by the senator’s husband bought an airplane she could use, she tweets about his gift, a T-shirt.

It should have said: My wife is a U.S. senator, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.

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