
On the heels of a plagiarism controversy, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is taking the unusual step of footnoting his speeches.

Ahead of an address Tuesday morning to cadets at The Citadel -- South Carolina's military college -- Fox News snuck a peak at a copy of Paul's speech. It shows thorough citations on excerpts about Syria, attributing information to the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, the Washington Post and Reuters, among others.

Paul has recently been accused of plagiarism on several occasions. The latest came on Thursday when BuzzFeed reported that additional passages from Paul’s book, "Government Bullies," were copied word-for-word from think tanks.

In order to avoid plagiarism missteps moving forward, Paul told the New York Times on Nov. 5, "What we are going to do from here forward, if it will make people leave me the hell alone, is we're going to do them like college papers. We're going to try to put out footnotes."