
Politicians, operatives, White House officials, members of Congress—along with some snark artists—are debating, attacking, defending and kibitzing around the clock on Twitter. It’s a nonstop forum that is helping shape the political conversation.  In this daily feature, @laurenashburn picks some of the best – and worst – political tweets you may have missed.

It has not been a good few days for the president -- from reports of spying on allies to an NBC News ObamaCare investigation charging “The Obama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance.”

When scandals hit the web, typical partisan tweets fly back and forth at an alarming speed, and then the comedians get their mitts on the news.

Roger Simon, Politico’s chief political columnist, is a late-night comedy addict who's always good for picking the best ones.

Roger Simon @politicoroger

“Letterman: "Obama is in so much trouble he called Hillary Clinton and said, 'Can you start early?'”

Bah, dum, bum.


Meanwhile @TheDemocrats – the official Twitter account of the Democratic Party – made an attempt to help transform the tenor of online buzz by retweeting  a White House talking point. Both parties play this game all the time. Except in this case, chatting up the positive outcomes of the law didn’t seem to change the online dialogue one iota.

The Democrats @TheDemocrats

“RT @WhiteHouse: FACT: Thanks to #Obamacare, women can't be charged more than men for the same health coverage."


Two points for the Guv! Chris Christie scored a mighty fine slam dunk endorsement that has the party base fired up. In a new ad for Christie’s reelection, Shaquille O’Neal turns up the heat on his challenger, state Sen. Barbara Buono. RNC head Reince Priebus is jazzed – maybe as much as when his beloved Packers trounced the Vikings 44-31.

Reince Priebus @Reince

“Love it -->@SHAQ supports @GovChristie for #njgov, pointing to jobs & education.”


Remember Syria? It's submitted a list of its chemical weapons and a plan for getting rid of them.

The news sparked quite a lengthy, intellectual online discussion with The Atlantic’s Award-winning national correspondent (and advice columnist!) Jeffrey Goldberg,  Mike Grunwald, Time's senior national correspondent, Glenn Thrush, Politico’s White House reporter, and former NSC spokesman Tommy Vietor. Multiple name conversations like this are tough to follow. One upshot is that pundits slammed Obama for his Syria strategy (or lack thereof), but in hindsight, it seems to be working.

Jeffrey Goldberg @JeffreyGoldberg

"@MikeGrunwald @TVietor08 @GlennThrush To Obama's credit, he did at least force Assad to stop using chemical weapons. Which ain't nothing."

No, it ain’t.


What will the Affordable Care Act mean for retirees? That’s the question posed by former Three’s Company TV star and author of 24 health and wellness books. Except the Wall Street Journal blog, titled "Suzanne Somers: The Affordable Care Act Is a Socialist Ponzi Scheme," needed three “corrections and amplifications.” Fact checkers: Headshaking can start now.

Bill Scher – the executive editor of LiberalOasis.and online campaign manager at Campaign for America's Future – takes a jab at Somers and Victoria Jackson, a former Saturday Night Live cast member now involved in Tea Party politics.

Bill Scher @billscher

“I think Suzanne Somers procrastinated on a homework assignment and copied a Victoria Jackson school report from 2010.”

Here’s the WSJ  correction verbatim: “An earlier version of this post contained a quotation attributed to Lenin (“Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state”) that has been widely disputed. And it included a quotation attributed to Churchill (“Control your citizens’ health care and you control your citizens“) that the Journal has been unable to confirm.

Also, the cover of a Maclean’s magazine issue in 2008 showed a picture of a dog on an examining table with the headline 'Your Dog Can Get Better Health Care Than You.' An earlier version of this post incorrectly said the photo showed and headline referred to a horse.”

If you’d like to recommend your favorite political Twitter picks, email Lauren Ashburn laurenashburnFNC@yahoo.com or send her a tweet @laurenashburn with the hashtag #TwitterTalk.