
GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul has won the 2011 Values Voter Summit Presidential Straw Poll. The Texas congressman and straw poll darling pulled in 37 percent of the vote.

Despite his success here, Paul repeatedly scores in the single digits in national polls, including the latest Fox News polls that have him at 6 percent.

Riding the "Hermentum" of last month's Florida Presidential 5 Straw Poll victory, Atlanta businessman Herman Cain came in second with 23 percent. Cain was followed by former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum at 16 percent.

The two perceived presidential frontrunners finished far behind. Texas Gov. Rick Perry only pulled 8 percent and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney drew 4 percent.

Seven of the eight candidates on the presidential straw poll spoke at the event. Only former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman chose not to participate. The criteria to be included on the poll was that a candidate had scored 3 percent or above in a national poll.

In a separate poll question, the nod for vice president went to Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann. She came in fifth in the presidential polling.

The Family Research Council organized the summit and says there were a record number of attendees this year- 3400 people.

FRC president Tony Perkins insists the majority of attendees were not committed to a candidate, adding, "They came to hear the candidates, to learn more about the state of our nation, and then participate in a straw poll."

But, Perkins points out that more than 600 people, mostly Paul supporters, registered Saturday morning and left after Ron Paul's speech.

Participants say the conference is a good indicator of where social conservatives will be throwing their support and money this election.