
President Obama's staff changes are shaping up as David Plouffe, architect of Obama's succesful '08 campaign, returns to service as the president's senior advisor. Monday was his first day and Fox's Mike Emanuel is hearing Plouffe will be "deeply involved" in selecting the next voice of the adminsitration. Plouffe will be replacing David Axelrod, who'll be leaving around February 1st for some time off before he gears up to work on the president's re-election campaign.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs announced recently he'd be moving on to counsel the president from outside of the White House, including pitching for him in TV appearances and hitting the paid speech circut. Now, the White House is in the midst of selecting who will suceed him. Some of the possible replacements are current Deputy White House Press Secretaries Bill Burton and Josh Earnest and Vice President Biden's Communications Director.

Incoming Chief of Staff Bill Daley will also be a key part of the selection process. Although Daley's first official day has yet to be announced, he happened to be at the White House on Saturday when news of the shooting in Tucson broke. He was seen by the president's side in a photo released by the White House that day.

Daley, former Commerce Secretary under Bill Clinton, is replacing interim Chief of Staff Pete Rouse, who is now Counselor to the President. Daley's first official day will likely not be until later this week. However, given the shooting this weekend, Daley's acclimation process is surely picking up steam.

Fox New's Mike Emanuel contributed to this report.