
BATON ROUGE, La. -- Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal calls the Obama administration "lackadaisical" in its Gulf oil spill response in his new book "Leadership and Crisis," laying out his views on everything from health care to energy policy while keeping silent on whether he harbors presidential ambitions.

Criticism of Democratic President Barack Obama for the federal disaster opens Jindal's 311-page book set for nationwide release next week as speculation turns to those Republicans who might challenge Obama in 2012.

Part autobiography, part conservative manifesto, the book charts the rise of the 39-year-old son of Indian immigrants to the Louisiana governorship but makes no hints whether he'll run for the White House. But throughout the pages, Jindal -- a Republican in the governor's office since 2008 -- describes his vision for the GOP on positions from federal spending to education and crisis management.

Long seen as a conservative star, Jindal has tough words on immigration, saying all immigrants should learn English, the United States should continue construction of a border fence with Mexico and employers who hire illegal workers should be punished.

"I have no problem imposing American values on people who want to become Americans. Freedom, hard work, self-reliance and rugged individualism are values all Americans should embrace," Jindal writes.

A Brown University graduate and former Rhodes Scholar, Jindal describes himself as an evangelical Catholic and criticizes the "intellectual elite" who he says snub people with religious beliefs.

But it's the Obama administration's response to the oil disaster that prompts Jindal's harshest words.

He writes that Obama was too trusting of oil company BP PLC, bureaucrats and so-called "experts" in dealing with the April 20 Deepwater Horizon disaster and didn't react quickly to combat the spill's damage.

"You would think following the withering criticism of President Bush during Hurricane Katrina that the federal response this time would have been swift and sure. You would have thought that a White House so concerned about its image would have been all over this," Jindal writes.

He recounts a May 2 visit from Obama, the president's first after the disaster, saying Obama pulled him aside to complain about a letter the Louisiana governor's administration had sent the agriculture secretary requesting disaster food stamp aid. Jindal says Obama was annoyed because he took it as criticism for his administration's response.

"I was truly stunned," Jindal writes. "It would be one thing if they had been angry about the failed response to the oil spill or concerned about the pending ecological disaster or frustrated with BP. There were plenty of real things to be upset about."

Also targeted by Jindal is former BP chief Tony Hayward, whom Jindal calls arrogant.

"He was tone-deaf and clueless. I thought to myself, I can't believe this guy runs a multibillion dollar company. This guy would not succeed as a used car salesman," Jindal writes.

Initially planned for a July rollout, the book was delayed because of the spill. It officially goes on sale Monday, although The Associated Press obtained copies at a local bookstore before the release date. The publisher is Regnery Publishing Inc., which has released books by several conservative politicians and commentators.

Jindal doesn't discuss any possible run on the national stage but does cover an array of topics that would better acquaint the wider American electorate to his views. He has said repeatedly his only plans are to run for re-election as governor next year.

Among points covered:

--Jindal describes his first unsuccessful bid for governor in 2003, including a paltry fundraiser in which one person showed up. "To put it mildly, there were a few skeptics of my campaign. The son of Indian immigrants running for governor in the Deep South?"

--Chiding what he calls federal intrusion into health care, Jindal describes the heart defect of his son Shaan, who had heart surgery in 2004. Jindal suggested that in a government-run health system, a bureaucrat would have been able to stop the Jindals from getting the surgeon they wanted. Jindal says he believes health care is a right, but that expansion of health coverage should be private sector-driven.

--Jindal writes that Republicans in Congress have often become "Democrats Lite," supporting large spending proposals because of fear they'll be seen as uncaring for the needy.

--Even as he says conservatives need to embrace green energy options, Jindal says fossil fuels will dominate the nation's energy supply for the foreseeable future.