
The image of former President George W. Bush is appearing in yet another Democratic campaign ad running online and on television. But this time, it's positive.

North Dakota Rep. Earl Pomeroy is touting his support of Bush's Medicare prescription drug law.

"When George Bush proposed a Medicare prescription drug plan, Earl Pomeroy voted yes, putting seniors before party," the narrator says

The ad goes on to say that his opponent, Rick Berg, would roll back prescription drug coverage.

The ad is notable given that Democrats swept into power in the last two election cycles largely by running against former President George W. Bush and his policies. Now Pomeroy is trying to hold onto power by playing up his link to the former president.

The two are running neck and neck. A recent Rasmussen Reports poll shows that Berg is leading Pomeroy 48 to 45 percent.

North Dakota is a very blue state by voter identification, but its sensibilities lean conservatively. Pomeroy’s ad encapsulates the contradiction between North Dakota being sixth in line for federal dollars to the state but also demonstrating a ‘don’t tread on me’ philosophy.

The Medicare drug benefit narrowly passed Congress, with some Democrats complaining that it didn't go far enough and some Republicans saying the estimated $500 billion program would cost too much. It is now a popular entitlement.