
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Republican nominee Sharron Angle are in a no-holds-barred general election fight in Nevada, each working to step out of their comfort zones to reach lingering voters.

Angle is in Washington, seeking out money from the very establishment party she stood up against to win the GOP primary. While she was here, she sat down with Fox's Bret Baier, anchor of Special Report, for an exclusive interview. Bret asked Angle about Reid's intention to attach the DREAM Act -- a piece of legislation aimed at giving alien minors who meet certain requirements a pathway to citizenship -- to the Defense Authorization bill scheduled for a vote next Tuesday. This already contentious bill is getting more so, and Angle spelled out her thoughts on the matter to Bret.

Make sure to tune into Special Report w/Bret Baier Friday, September 17 at 6p EST to see Bret's full interview with Sharron Angle. If you miss it, you can always check it out on their home page at foxnews.com/specialreport under the "latest videos" tab.