
Alaska's Libertarian Party has officially said no to any possibility of incumbent GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski joining its ticket in the fall elections, party Vice Chairman Harley Brown tells Fox News, though it seems clear the laissez faire party never really considered the option all that seriously.

The five-member board discussed the senator on Sunday more out of a courtesy, since some unknown person raised the prospects of a Murkowski Libertarian Party ticket run should she lose the GOP primary to Fairbanks attorney Joe Miller, who currently holds a more than 1,600-vote lead.

"We just knew right off the bat" she would not sign onto the Libertarian Party pledge to abide by the party's principles of "personal freedoms and liberties for your home and business," Brown said. "She's just not a Libertarian."

"Some members were really angry that Murkowski was even considered," Brown said, of the board's meeting, but it was "more out of courtesy" to the incumbent.

Brown, who has just started back to college this week and has been inundated with calls from the national media, said no one at the Libertarian Party headquarters has spoken with the Murkowski camp.

Party Chairman Scott Kohlhaas was to make the announcement later Monday.

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