
Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) echoed the demands of Tea Party protesters assembled outside the Capitol building Saturday afternoon, but he had a different audience in mind: Tea Party protesters. "One of the chants is 'Read the bill! Read the bill!' We're here to say the Tea Party should read the bill too," said the congressman.

Inslee says that if the protesters read the bill, they will find many things they find agreeable. He also adds that he doesn’t believe the current system is working, "If you want to cut the deficit, if you want to save Medicare, and if you want to have quality care, the status quo isn't good enough. If the Tea Party reads the bill, you will see a way that we will save the taxpayers billions of dollars and increase quality."

Despite Inslee's declaration of the merits of the Democrats' health care overhaul legislation, the search is still on for votes in favor of the bill.