
The newest member of the Senate, Scott Brown (R-MA) just finished casting his first votes of his Senatorial career today but what might be equally important to his supporters is that his beloved green GMC truck, one of the most memorable symbols of the campaign, has arrived at the Capitol.  Brown's staff said he and his wife drove it down from Massachusetts.

Brown used the truck to crisscross Massachusetts during his historic campaign, and it played a prominent role in his campaign ads as well as his opponent’s.

After his upset victory over Democrat Martha Coakley, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told Brown that he could park it anywhere he’d like on Capitol Hill. Looks like Brown has taken McConnell up on the offer.

The snow-covered pickup was parked just outside of Brown’s office building, across from the Capitol, where it will likely make a regular appearance. Senators are permitted to park close to their offices.

John Wallace and Anita Siegfriedt contributed to this report.