
The first family lived it up Latino-style at the White House Tuesday night when they hosted, "In Performance at the White House: Fiesta Latina," a concert celebrating Hispanic musical heritage on the South Lawn. Stars included Marc Anthony, Eva Longoria Parker, Jimmy Smits, Gloria Estefan, José Feliciano, George Lopez, and Los Lobos.

President Obama kicked things off by noting, "In the end, what makes Latin music great is the same thing that's always made America great; the unique ability to celebrate our differences while creating something new."

But Parker and Lopez had news for the president-- he's not that different.

"Latinos everywhere!" Parker exclaimed when she stepped on stage.

"You know who else is Latino? Obama. He just doesn't know it."

Lopez continued the joke to uproarious laughter-- including the President's, "He lives in house that's not his. Left it white because he can't decide what color to paint it-- very Latino. Says he's gonna change and nobody believes him-- VERY Latino!"

The highlight of the night, though, may have been the First Family jamming on stage at the end. Take a look at this clip courtesy of PBS/In Performance at the White House: Fiesta Latina.

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