
Back in April, President Obama challenged his cabinet members to identify at least $100 million in additional cuts to their administrative budgets (these additional cuts are separate from the 2010 budget). Today the Office of Management and Budget released the results of that challenge.

OMB's director Peter Orszag blogged about the results, noting there are "77 cost saving measures...amounting to $243 million in savings."

Some of the proposed cuts: canceling a trip to Australia for a Department of Agriculture meeting; canceling plans to paint Forest Service cars; reducing administrative costs at the Commerce Department by investigating worker's compensation cases; eliminating printing documents (that can be distributed electronically) at Homeland Security; reducing power consumption at the Justice Department by shutting computers down.

More of the cuts, and Orszag's blog can be found at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/blog/09/07/27/Meetingthe100MillionSavingsC...