
By Major Garrett and Kelly Chernenkoff

Vice President Joe Biden says enough is enough in the Minnesota Senate race, let our guy fill the post.

"The election process and recount in Minnesota have lived up to the state's reputation for organization, transparency, and bipartisanship. The officials have been meticulous and every ruling has been unanimous," he wrote in a paper statement after meeting Wednesday with Democratic Senate hopeful Al Franken.

Those rulings have come down in favor of Franken, who is in a protracted legal fight for the US Senate seat in Minnesota.

Republican incumbent Norm Coleman has challenged Franken's razor-thin 312-vote victory in court. Franken won in a court-supervised recount. Coleman has appealed to the Minnesota Supreme Court.

Biden's office told Fox late in the morning that the private meeting would take place at the White House. Though it took place in the West Wing, Fox News has been told that President Obama did not drop by.

"While Senator Amy Klobuchar is one of the hardest working members of the United States Senate, Minnesotans deserve their full representation," Biden continued.

With Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter having switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party, democrats and the White House are now a tantalizing one vote away from a 60-vote caucus.

With Majority Leader Harry Reid today predicting Specter will side with Democrats on all procedural votes, seating Franken in the Senate would give the White House the power to end GOP-led filibusters against Obama policy initiatives.

Despite the continuing legal battles, the Vice President seems assured of the outcome. He noted, "Once the Minnesota Supreme Court has issued its final ruling in this case, the President and I look forward to working with Mr. Franken on building an economy for the 21st century."