
We’re in the middle of all the excitement here in Washington, DC and as soon as we arrived it’s clear everyone else is too! The streets are lined with security and people wanting to be part of President Obama’s Inauguration.

So now that it’s time on Inauguration day for the official and unofficial balls… Hollywood comes to town (as does your entertainment team)!

Right now entertainment correspondent Jill Dobson and I are getting ready to cover the Creative Coalition’s Inaugural Ball and wait for stars like Anne Hathaway, Ron Howard, Spike Lee, and many more to join the party. Sting has been announced to perform too and it’s one hot ticket – ranging from $10,000 to $100,000 so we’re hoping to get a look inside to see what the set up is!

I can tell you about the set up on the red carpet – it’s underway and I’m going to get back out there and make sure we’re all ready to go for Fox News Channel’s special coverage…

Will keep all of you blog-readers posted on what the stars are doing, saying, and -- wearing tonight! (it is a Hollywood star-studded event after all)

Ashley Dvorkin, Entertainment Producer